Nigrosine Stain-10%W/v (India Ink)

Nigrosine Stain-10%W/v (India Ink)

Nigrosin Stain, 10% w/v, is supplied by Micromaster. It is available in the form of a blackish violet coloured solution which is clear without any particles. It is advisable to store this product between 10- 30°C in tightly closed container and away from bright light.

• Quantity provided: 100ml/bottle

Nigrosin stain, 10% w/v is used as staining solution for negative staining. Negative staining method permits visualization of the usually transparent and unstainable capsule of many organisms, most importantly Cryptococcus neoformans.  Nigrosin consists of a suspension of fine particles of carbon. These form a dark background, against which capsules are clearly seen as a result of displacement of the carbon particles.



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