Lugol’s Iodine

Lugol’s Iodine

Lugol’s Iodine is supplied by Micromaster. It is available in the form of a dark reddish brown, coloured solution which is clear without any particles. It is advisable to store this product below 30°C in tightly closed container and away from bright light.

• Quantity provided: 125ml/bottle

Lugol’s iodine is intended to be used for the detection of intestinal protozoa and helminth ova or larvae in wet mount preparations and concentration techniques. It is non-specific, rapid contrast dye that is added to direct wet mounts of fecal material to aid in differentiating parasitic cysts from host white blood cells. Many protozoa and cysts take up dye and appear brown while other objects in the sample remain clear. Lugol’s iodine stain the protozoan nuclei and intracytoplasmic organelles brown making them easier to identify. Dilution is necessary prior to use as strong iodine solutions tend to coagulate fecal particles and destroy the refractile nature of protozoan organisms. For fresh, unpreserved fecal samples ,a direct wet mount should be prepared to detect the presence of motile protozoan trophozites.



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