Carbol Fuchsin (Strong) is supplied by Micromaster. It is available in the form of a dark pinkish red solution which is clear without any particles. It is advisable to store this product below 30°C in tightly closed container and away from bright light.
• Quantity provided: 500ml/bottle
Carbol Fuchsin (Strong) is used as staining solution for acid fast staining. This differential staining technique is useful for identification of the tubercle bacillus, other Mycobacteria and Nocardia, which depends on the chemical composition of the bacterial cell wall. Because of the difficulty in staining these organisms with ordinary dyes, basic dyes in the presence of controlled amounts of acid are used. Generally, heat must be applied during the staining procedure, or wetting agents must be used, to aid dye penetration. Organisms exhibiting the property of acid-fastness, once stained, are not easily decolourized by alcohol.
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